Video Analyzer

Action Reference

You can call video_analyzer to analyze either local video files using the video_file or a Frigate event using event_id. You must pass at least one of the above parameters:

Action Reference
action: llmvision.video_analyzer
  provider: 01J99F4T99PA1XGQ4CTQS3CP8H  # Select in UI dropdown
  message: What is happening in the video?
  max_tokens: 100
  model: gpt-4o-mini
  video_file: |-
  event_id: 1712108310.968815-r28cdt
  max_frames: 5 # Analyze the 5 most relevant frames
  target_width: 1280
  detail: low
  temperature: 0.3
  include_filename: true

The provider id will not be the same for you. Switch to UI mode and select one of your configurations. If you don't see any, you need to set up at least one provider!

Last updated